Sunday, December 13, 2020

Random Research, December 13, 2020

 My head is spinning. I don't know what I've found and what I haven't. Today I have found nothing definitive. But, I don't want to forget what I've researched. Here are my findings:

Barnabas Reed

Marth W. Wilson, daughter of Barnabis Reeds and Olive died in Michigan. Death records show her parents were from Allegany, NY and listed her parents names.The 1855 NY State Census said Martha W. Wilson was born in Ontario (Wayne was written first but then crossed off. Perhaps she told the census maker she was from "Macedon" which was in Wayne County at the time of the census but in Ontario County at her birth.) Even still, I believe she is the daughter of my Barnabus Reed.

    Scrolled through the 1820 Palmyra Census. Couldn't find Barnabus Reed.

Ebenezer Reed--Ages fit for Ebenezer and his wife and a son named Ransom.

    1810 Federal Census in Palmyra: Males 0-9 = 3; 10-15 = 2; 26 to 44 = 1. Females 0-9 = 2; 10-15 = 2; 26-44 = 1

    1820 Federal Census in Palmyra: Males 10-15 = 2; 16-25 = 1; >45 = 1. Females 0-9 = 2; 10-15 = 2; >45 = `

Howland Smith:

While scrolling name by name through the 1820 Palmyra Census, same page as Paul Reed, Ira Lapham, and Stephen Peters (Lewis bought land from Stephen Peters) is the name Howland Smith.

        Who is Howland??? Is this the missing name for the initial "H?"

    1820 Census: Males 0-9=1; 10-15=2 (Lewis??); 26-44=1. Females 0-9=2; 10-15=2; 26-44=1

        I looked through the Wayne County and Ontario County Grantor and Grantee indexes for a Howland. Searched through the mid 1830s record books. Found no Howland.

    TODO: Look for Howland in other census records.

Palmyra 1820 Census

        Barnett Peters right next to Henry Wilber. Any relation to Carr Wilbur from Washington, Dutchess, NY?

Lot Stone:

I saved a census record to Lot Stone on my DNA tree. Need further research. The age of the Lot Stone in the census might not correlate with my Lot Stone, (brother of Lois Stone).